Thursday, October 2, 2008

Feker to Rihana: what makes your heart sing?

My darlin,

Endet aleshilign? I can't believe I'll see you in a week's time, it shall do us both good. You are surely missed, dear friend.

I read the article I posted on your wall, a couple of times actually. It got me thinking about a lot of things. You know, all the things we usually talk about. The subtitle I think said something like "What makes your heart sing?" What, indeed? You'd be interested to know that financial prowess ranked low, that if human beings have their basic needs met, additional wealth doesn't really add to your happiness. Religion was ranked high, and so were people; family, friends, lovers. Marriage, not so clear (hehe, that one made me laugh). So my love, I guess there is no escaping it. We NEED people in our lives, assuming we are rational and want to be happy in the long run. (goodness, i'm talking like an economist haha)But mitiye, you know what scares me about me? I've always known I needed people, I mean, growing up with three brothers and an assortment of cousins and zemed, I didn't really have a choice. But ... I sometimes think I am more enamoured with having people around me, not necessarily interacting with them 24/7. And that's scary isn't it? What am I gonna say to dear hubby? Please stay in the next room because I feel secure but don't you dare sit next to me and put your arm around me because that is suffocating? Ayiyyyyyyy! I need someone who understands what 'companionable silence' means. Someone who doesn't jump to the conclusion that I'm mad, depressed, angry, because i'm not my usual chatty self. What u think mi love?

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