Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Feker to Rihana: False hope?


Its no wonder that once again you've been able to mirror my exact sentiments. Although in my case, just for yesterday, just for those couple of hours, I let go and shut out all those very true sentiments you expressed. I went to bed hopeful.

Going back and reviewing yesterday's historic event, I was deeply touched by the hope Obama was able to ignite in people who like he said, have often been told that the American dream is only accessible to few. Now they've broken beyond that and I pray to see the day where we can tell our kids of a time when an Obama presidency was akin to a miracle, and he had made it happen with much grace and competence.

BUT, aleme, I also kept on thinking that there's something a little pathetic to the way people in Kenya, Ethiopia and other countries were glued to their TVs, watching an election which realistically speaking will not bring much changes to their lives. I saw people starved for a different kind of world, a different way of living mitiye, people sick and tired of poverty, tyranny and all the wretchedness of this world. And their only outlet was an American election, as if Obama will put those three meals on their table. Truth is, this should have been the responsibility of their own governments, and Obama should have only gotten their passing blessing, for being the first black American president. Instead, what I saw mitiye, and it breaks my heart to have witnessed it, is a people so sick of their own leaders that they have to project that on a country which has its own issues to deal with and quite frankly, will probably not change a damn thing in others. I saw this and all hope of me bringing about that change we've talked about so often just flew out the window. I don't know what will restore it aleme, and all this just to say, I completely understand how you're feeling. I pray to God that our kids and grand kids will live in a time where they will witness a similar triumph for our country.


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