Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Feker to Rihana: light or heavy?

My love,

I realized, after our brief chat yesterday, how much it sucks you're not going to be nearby. Suddenly, I reminisced on our college days ... you see already arejehu ... reminisce minamin. But all jokes aside, I kept on thinking how the past few years are a luxury we were lucky to afford. All we did was argue about our thoughts, beliefs, pretty much anything under the sun. We also laughed. GOD! Laugh we did! And that's when it hit me ... I wonder if we'll ever laugh like that again. You know? the type that has you running to the bathroom or me rolling on the floor. Come what may, I just wanted to say how much I will cherish those days.

Title of the book from last time: "The unbearable lightness of being." Mitiye, its a must read. I haven't finished it yet gin I'm hooked. If I'm not mistaken he raises issues I've always ponedered. He compares a life of light burden with a life of heavy burden ... chooses the latter because a life of lightness is unbearable. I've always wondered mitiye, if say the people on 'Laguna Beach' would claim to have lived life like the resident of Gaza. Now, I'm not trying to romanticize poverty or war ... I think it was one of Sidney Sheldon's book where he says "Poverty is only romantic in the books". I do believe that but I mean c'mon mitisha, norin lilu new? You remember that article on Seleda (inkuan ... so what if i've memorized every story on the site! ;) ... about the guy who used to work with refugees on the Ethio-Kenyan border but whose parents sent him here for college? He says that his happiest days were in the desert, even though he has done quite well in the land of plenty. Mi love, my question to you then, a life of lightness or burden?

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