Saturday, July 19, 2008

Feker to Rihana: Renewal of our vows


What can I say? Our conversation from last night keeps on resounding in my head ... its amazing how every time I talk to you a little part of me is ... how should i put it ... my naivety is renewed. And however much people might scorn me for being an idealist, better that than average any day. And babe, for this blog I thank you since its just the outlet I've been looking for to ... what was it you said ... vent? exactly! I need to vent about my apartmentless situation right now, about finding my self in a world not so rosy and people so caught up with everyday mundane details of life so many of us have forgotten about what the big picture is all about. And GOD! this certainly is not it! How do you explain millions of people slaving away, worried about their financial status 24/7 (it doesn't matter if they've been on the job 20 years, they worry just as much as the next person) ... and yet this is the dream land thousands flock to every day. And yet, I can't help but think of the few at the top who accumulate all that ... mitish there is something wrong with this picture. You see people ... existing. Sort of what we were talking about last night ... about the African American plight here. Semonun yeyazkut tsebay degmo ... whenever I walk by a homeless or a seemingly 'ibd' sew, instead of shrinking away like i did when i was a kid ... i simply imagine myself in their place and ... beka min tiyalesh mitish? But I guess what you said last night makes a lot of sense, it's beyond us to even dare try make sense of this world. All you can count and believe in is the little changes you can make at a time ... and even for that small opportunity, we shall forever be thankful to God. Darlin, now that the wirless on my laptop has miraculously started working i shall continue on. ohhhhh forgot one tiny detail ... our wanderer friend just called right now, she'll be arriving on friday. lol. she was very disappointed that she won't be staying at our apartment, even went so far as calling us loosers, four years in college has thought us nothing! (you know that saying yemitadu iyale ye inqibu tentata?!!!!) bicha ... today we shall put down in history as a sort of anniversary ... oh no ... i got a better one ... renewing our vows? lol ... GOD! was that corny or what?> bicha wededishim telashim i'm calling it that. wedishalew babe ... read you soon.

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