Wednesday, July 16, 2008

From Feker to Rihana - Nov 2007

My dearest darlin,

endet kermeshilignal? i know this email is long
overdue but really couldn't help it. Degmo eko bizu
kum neger iyetesera aymiselish, time has never been on
my side since I stepped foot in this country(as I'm
sure you understand).

Anyhoo, how've you been? My GOD! Beka yanchim memcha
eko iyederese new ... wouuuuouuuuuu sigerim benatish.
Its just so weird. I can't believe we're already
registering for spring semester. bicha zim zim new ...
silesus anansa.

Darlin, it was soooooooooo weird that you had to
email me about those internship opportunities in west
Africa last time cause I've been meaning to email and
pour my heart out about a pet project I had in mind.
More about mine later ... Its really great mitisha. I
hope betaaaaaaaaaaaaam that it works out mitiye cause
at the end of the day yegna class wust banebebnew
neger mazen mechenek is going to solve nada. I do
believe that is the best kind of exposure. When I
went to Uganda last summer I actually wished that
Henock wasn't there because I wanted to experience it
all and of course you're right by now we're sounding
like all those nech girls we mock. Gin mitisha, minim
chikichik yelelew fact new, if we don't involve
ourselves like this I don't feel like any substantial
changes will come about. So darlin, by all means, go
ahead and try to land yourself something around there.
We'll work on the proposal isu its not a problem and

Mitish, I've come to realize inde history lesew
lijoch important yehone timirt yelem. Whenever you
look back on human history, what we've achieved, what
we've brought on ourselves, human nature just
fascinates me. Prof. Hashmi asked the class last time
who we would consider the most charismatic leader of
the 20th century and this girl actually said Hitler.
At the time I was shocked is a gross understatement.
But he explained and it makes so
much sense. Hitler was able to convince people that
the death of 6 million Jews was justified. And then we
see these same people committing the same crimes on
Palestinians today, and thousands are dying in Darfur.
The same shit happens over and over and
overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr again and yet we haven't changed.
Weapons just change their faces and we keep on coming
up with brand new ways to destroy each other. Another
professor said that the only way ALL human beings will
ever be united was if there was an alien attack from
another planet. Moral of the story? Wasting energy on
how unfair or messed up this world is, solves zilch.
Like you said last time, the best thing we can do is
to work on things we actually have control over and
leave the other stuff to people who are naive enough
to think this thing called human nature is something
that can be tamed, rationalized.

Darlin, ever since you wrote about___,
I've been thinking a lottttttttt about all our
theories revolving around relationships. Mitish, ine
betam kerase realize yarekut neger the idea of a
relationship BORES me to the core. If only I was
'free' like the Moho girls here then I wouldn't feel
so guilty about flings here and there. But I'm not. On
the other hand, mitisha, sewoch 'this is my boyfriend
so and so' bilew sentence sijemiru shimkik new milew.
KELIB. But then of course another problem is that do
we really believe in everlasting love? mitisha, are
we, as humans, even capable of that? ine i don't know
... My Anthro professor said last year to never
confuse longevity with happiness. That is so true eko.
I know the security and companionship that comes along
with it is a necessity gin inja mitisha ... sometimes
living life on the sidelines is pretty amazing. Its
just so damn fascinating ...

Mitish, ene eko i just wonder sometimes how any one
could have that kind of control over us. M for
example I feel is scarred for life because of T.
Mitiye, when I listen to her libe new inkit milew
cause she's reached a conclusion that giving yourself
fully to anyone is not worth cause in her own words
'yane yikebtalu'. And so this new 'relationship' with
TT is doomed from the start because mitisha, she
is forever wary of showing her true feelings. Tadia
ihe min yibalal? ine i don't know what to make of it
... But all I know is mitish there is no sadder site
than to see someone loose their innocence ...
wouwouuuuuuuuuu mitiye lemme not get into that
benatish its just too much.

Darlin onto more practical stuff ... the class I took
at Umass is Economic Development for Post Independent
Africa ... the prof I like and especially cause he
teaches you new theories about the continent. Lelaw,
I'm thinking of taking this class on "The brothers
Karamazov' ... looks like its gonna be interesting
engidih. Beterefe, darlin I miss your emails betam
wouuuy ahunim dimisishim nafkognal endiyawim i'll give
you a call tomorrow. Take good care of yourself, and
especially when you're planning the summer
internships. Minim bihon botaw Africa mehonun atrishi
... guadegna alrekesebignim darlin. Wedishalew.

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